Zuzim was founded in 2003.
The CEO is David Schwartz, a former Press Secretary for the State of NJ, and Media Campaign Director 34th District. He also has served as a Director of Operations for a private corporation and Membership Director for a nonprofit in NYC.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Public Affairs


How Do You Run a Campaign in a New District and in the Wake of 9/11? And Win!


In 2000, the State of NJ readjusted legislative district lines creating a new 34th District. More than 50 percent of the district was previously represented by an incumbent-Republican State Senator and two Assembly members. Name recognition and visibility in this new district was a challenge from the start. Unfortunately, all of those challenges paled in comparison to the fact that the election was weeks after 9/11, and media and campaign coverage ground to a halt.


The three candidates formed a Democratic team for the 34th race. The candidate for State Senate was a current Assembly member in the old 27th District. A clear and focused identity needed to be established to distinguish the Democratic team from the incumbent team. Three issues were promoted, education, helping working families, and healthcare. A schedule of community events, stump speeches, walk-throughs, meets and greets were scheduled. Key placements were made in local print, radio and TV. A community newsletter was created to keep the old base informed and involved. Direct mailers were sent to the new district base promoting the three main issues. Polished speeches were written for each debate, which distinguished the candidates against their opponents, who had not prepared speeches. Media coaching and debate preparation sessions were conducted to sharpen the candidates’ public performance.


Because of the groundwork, and aggressive grassroots efforts conducted in the early stages of the race, name recognition was increased. The performances at debates and speeches also helped to solidify a positive public image for all three candidates. Despite zero press coverage after 9/11, the key placements in print especially had left their mark. On election night, the Democratic team won in a landslide over the incumbent-Republican team.

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  • New York University - Undergraduate PR (Speechwriting)
  • Brandeis University - Political Communications