Zuzim was founded in 2003.
The CEO is David Schwartz, a former Press Secretary for the State of NJ, and Media Campaign Director 34th District. He also has served as a Director of Operations for a private corporation and Membership Director for a nonprofit in NYC.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Corporate Communications

Michael’s International



Michael’s International is a local NJ salon that provides high-end beauty and fashion services. The owner and proprietor was a former military person and wanted to give-back to the families of American servicemen in Iraq. Two challenges were presented, one, how to give back and two, how much would it cost.


A company meeting was held to brainstorm ideas about what to give back as a company to the families. The idea that received consensus was free services for both the spouses and children. A two-week media plan was written. Key article placements were made in regional press the first week and a follow-up article was placed in local press to help promote the free services to military families the second week.


The public awareness campaign notified the military families in the area that they were eligible for free services at Michael’s. The publicity also increased new business traffic to the salon. Over the two-week period, the salon received 25 new clients excluding families for free services. After six months, the salon had retained 6 of the 25 clients resulting in a total of nearly $7000 in new sales. The net effect of the CSR and campaign was that several families received free services while their spouses were overseas and the new business covered all the costs of the free services.

Israel Baseball League

Leveraging Visibility


Baseball is non-existent in the Middle East. There are no players, no fields, no fans, no infrastructure. How do you create a league and a fan base where none exists?


It was important to partner with key global entities in order to cement the existence of the league. Prior work had been done recruiting players, securing venues and tentatively scheduling games. Public visibility and support was the next step. In coordination with other pro-bono PR agents in other cities and Larry Baras, the founder, Dan Duquette, former GM Boston Red Sox, and Andrew Zimbalist, author and leading baseball economist, events were scheduled across the country. In NJ, a community event was created in a predominantly Jewish community. Media alerts were sent to all press outlets. An overall theme to the event was created, “Baseball and Democracy.” The first NY baseball player to be signed to a contract was also brought to the event to speak and do an autograph signing. A film documentarian was scheduled to videotape the event for an overall documentary about founding the league.


The press alerted the local community about the event and it was well-attended. The theme of “Baseball and Democracy” had resonance with the community. Kids attended the event seeking autographs, and t-shirts and hats were sold to raise money for fields in Israel.

Overall Success
Because of the cumulative success of the regional events, the Israel Baseball League was able to forge a limited partnership with Major League Baseball. Also through personal contacts, the IBL made a partnership with owners of the New York Yankees.

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  • New York University - Undergraduate PR (Speechwriting)
  • Brandeis University - Political Communications