Zuzim was founded in 2003.
The CEO is David Schwartz, a former Press Secretary for the State of NJ, and Media Campaign Director 34th District. He also has served as a Director of Operations for a private corporation and Membership Director for a nonprofit in NYC.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Downtown Staten Island Council

The Downtown Staten Island Council (DSIC)is a nonprofit 501 c3, community and commercial development organization charged with the mission to develop the fastest growing borough in NYC.

The DSICs signature event is the Downtown Drive-In Movies, which it expanded to cover the entire month of May, showing a total of 16 movies. The DSIC wanted to raise awareness, increase fundraising and develop community connectivity and programs.

Through a fast-paced communications plan, which was highly adaptable to the changing landscape, contact was made with every major media outlet in NY.

Visibility, branding and awareness increased by 120%. Stories were placed on NY1 News, the Staten Island Advance, Crain's NY Business, the New York Times, 1010 WINS, SI Business Trends, the Village Voice, the Brooklyn Paper, and CBS2.
In addition, sponsor partnerships were negotiated with JACK FM and WKTU.

Fundraising also increased by 100%. Not including the dollar amount negotiated with JACK FM and WKTU, money donations and memberships doubled in five months.

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  • New York University - Undergraduate PR (Speechwriting)
  • Brandeis University - Political Communications